2017 AGM

Copyright Visual Arts – CARCC held its annual assembly of members in Ottawa on December 10. Representatives of CARFAC and RAAV as well as Board members and staff of both associations joined together to review the year’s activities and to adopt the financial statements for fiscal 2016-2017 which ended March 31st

The Coordinator’s report mentioned that 2016-17 had been a tough year for the society but also a year of numerous positive changes. Revenues from the Reprographic Right have continued to decline as expected but we experienced a moderate increase in collections from the Exhibition and the Reproduction Rights. Total revenues climbed to $ 149,074 from $113,813 in the previous fiscal year. Royalties distribution increased from $84,334 and reached $123 416 in 2016-17. The society ended the year with a small surplus of $4,469.

Copyright Visual Arts received important financial support from Canadian Heritage for the development of its new web site due to be launched in early January 2018. This grant was obtained through our partnership with CARFAC and RAAV in May 2016. Since then an enormous amount of work has been done to plan and develop the new site.

Copyright Visual Arts requests more than the minimum fees established by CARFAC and RAAV, making it advantageous for all artists to become members of our copyright collective society. The new system allows members to receive higher royalties than artists who choose not to join. For the benefit of our members we have reduced our administration fees from 20% to 15% for the Reproduction Right and maintained the 10% fee for the Exhibition Right.